arafiq530 posts02-28-2021 12:21pm@audio2design -- the Raven Audio guy you’re referring to is a brilliant engineer. He designs speakers, amps, works with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and other similar organizations, and is extremely knowledgeable about his craft. He lets his craft speak for itself and doesn’t need to throw his credentials around like confetti. In short, he’s neither an armchair general nor an internet warrior.
And yet, he shows SMT machines, while holding a through-hole wave solder board, talks about laser soldering, not a process used on the boards they are showing, talks about NASA, like there is any correlation to their board builds, and as noted, their soldering quality looks just okay (surface quality) and could benefit from a nitrogen environment during wave/selective soldering. I didn't force him to put up that fluff piece, he did. How brilliant is that? However, you totally proved my point. This was a fluff piece, meant to impress someone like you who does not know any better, and as opposed to addressing what I wrote, you reply with an ad-hom which means you actually have no rebuttal. Nothing in that video ensures great sound. The soldering procedures, the inspection, the testing, etc. that is used on the "NASA" products will have little relation to their products, but it sure does sound impressive.