Your have received some wise counsel in response to your post and I hope you give it some thought and consideration. When I first ventured into the audio world I was introduced to a magazine quite popular at that time called Stereo Review. The featured audio reviewer was the late Julian Hirsch.
I respected his background as an electrical engineer and initially gave credence to his opinions, which essentially was that most amplifiers measure well and subsequently will pretty much all sound the same. As I gained listening experience and exposure to more audio equipment I realized that Mr. Hirsch with all due respect was just plain wrong.
I could easily hear obvious and distinct differences between amplifiers and other audio components. I recognize that everyone has their unique experiences and perspective. However I strongly disagree with probably well meaning advice that 400.00 amplifiers are all that’s required and anything above and beyond is simply preferred distortion.
Go out and listen first hand for yourself to a variety of different amplifiers and see what you find. Measurements are useful to a point but will not reveal how a component or product is going to sound. You have to judge with actual listening encounters.
Best of luck to you.
Your have received some wise counsel in response to your post and I hope you give it some thought and consideration. When I first ventured into the audio world I was introduced to a magazine quite popular at that time called Stereo Review. The featured audio reviewer was the late Julian Hirsch.
I respected his background as an electrical engineer and initially gave credence to his opinions, which essentially was that most amplifiers measure well and subsequently will pretty much all sound the same. As I gained listening experience and exposure to more audio equipment I realized that Mr. Hirsch with all due respect was just plain wrong.
I could easily hear obvious and distinct differences between amplifiers and other audio components. I recognize that everyone has their unique experiences and perspective. However I strongly disagree with probably well meaning advice that 400.00 amplifiers are all that’s required and anything above and beyond is simply preferred distortion.
Go out and listen first hand for yourself to a variety of different amplifiers and see what you find. Measurements are useful to a point but will not reveal how a component or product is going to sound. You have to judge with actual listening encounters.
Best of luck to you.