DAC/w Volume control + Power amp or DAC + Integrated?

Doing lots of research for complete new set up from the scratch but very confused about DAC /w volume control section. 
Does the Volume control mean actually a preamp section? So a DAC + Preamp all-in-one box? 
Or are there any DAC with pure simple volume control knob exist? 

One of the systems I am eyeing on is LTA Ultralinear power amp. Source is digital only (Qobuz, local files network streaming via Chromecast audio to DAC via optical, for now) so I may not need separate Pre-amplifier. 

There are couple of options.
1) DAC /w built in volume control + UL Power amp
2) pure DAC + Standalone Volume controller + UL Power amp
3) pure DAC + UL integrated amplifier
Which one is the best setup SQ wise? Or Cost-Performance?

Built in volume control affects sound quality of the DAC? 

Is UL Integrated inferior to power amp by a margin?

I would like to go simple as possible because of limited funds (DAC & Amp for < $9k) so assume that going from DAC to Power amp directly is the way to go. All used gear will be more than welcome.



It really depends on the DAC.  I had a PS Audio DSD which is an awesome DAC but the volume control in it is not strong.  There are a couple reasons for this, but it was inferior to my preamps.  

I have since moved to Chord and Rockna DACs and the volume control in them is completely different.  Right now, going direct from the Hugo 2 or Wavelight into my amps from DAC is dramatically better than the Schiit preamp I currently have in the system.  

An LTA Ultralinear with a Chord Hugo 2 would easily be on budget and will sound amazing.  

That being said, the UL integrated is not even close to inferior.  The line stage in it is tremendous and the volume control is a superb R2R.  An Ultralinear Integrated with a DAC like the Chord Qutest which would be brilliant.  

In both cases, we could definitely keep you on budget for new gear. 
If using a DAC with volume control I would want one where it was in the analog output stage. 
Another approach would be a passive pre between Dac and amp. If using a DAC with tube output stage into a tube amplifier one has plenty of tube driven gain. 
One can find tube amplifiers that have variable input gain to better control system gain. The maker of my presmp, Aric Audio, makes tube amplifiers that have this such that one can run a fixed gain DAC directly into the amp. His amps have 6SN7 tibes in the input and driver stages. 
@Jiss Sorry to bother you. Ye I did read a lot of discussions but my question was more related to cost savings. 

I was looking for significant savings over going Integrated.
Thanks guys
@ verdantaudio. That combo is exactly what I am considering, Chord Qutest (or Tubadur) & UL Power amp. I think this the most money saving way.
But the lack of volume control forces me to spend more on either a volume controller(cheap) or UL intergated(expensive), unless replacing with different DAC.

So tight budget in mind, I wanted to know which one is the smartest move not sacrificing too much of SQ, : DAC -> DAC + cheap volume control (ex Schiit SYS) . Or UL Poweramp -> UL Integrated

At first I leaning toward the cheap volume control, but now I'm totally lost