Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?

I notice that as I move up the audio chain, poor CD recordings sound worse and the good ones sound superb, should this be the case? Also I on any given day my system sounds different even with the same CDs. Any thoughts on this as well?
With respect to the first question, my experience mirrors that of the OP, and John (Jmcgrogan2), and Minorl. I have a not inconsiderable number of poor recordings that I would prefer to listen to via YouTube on my $90 computer speakers rather than on my main system. But as my system has evolved, the great recordings continue to sound ever more realistic and more pleasing.

Regarding the second question, John and Russ (Rcprince) make excellent points. In my own case, though, I have not noticed a great deal of sonic variation from day to day or time to time. Perhaps it is not entirely coincidental that there is no industry and very little commercial development in my area, and presumably the quality of my AC is therefore relatively good and relatively constant.

-- Al
can someone who feels as the op provide us with a recording you think is poor . i would like to play it through my system . Thanks
One further point about variations in the sonic performance of a system from day to day or time to time, specifically relating to electrostatic speakers if the OP or anyone reading this may be using them. Variations in humidity can profoundly affect the sonics of electrostatic speakers, especially if they include or are used in conjunction with dynamic woofers or subwoofers. See the post by Georgelofi dated 6-17-14 in this thread.

-- Al
There are no recordings of the thousnds I own that do not sound their best on my main rig. Everything else is a compromise to some degree to various degrees on pretty much everything.

Let's not forget the individual is always a big factor in terms of expectations and how they respond to what they hear. that's probably more easily quantified than any other inherent technical deficiencies that exist in most cases.

Its the sure road to audio hell to not realize when a deficiency can be attributed mostly to a recording and try to make it into something it will never be via technology.

Once you learn to accept recordings of good music for what they are, rather than what you wish there were or expect them to be, it's mostly all good......to various degrees of course.
All i know is last year the same recordings i attributed to poor now sound great . a lot of tweaks since then . Makes me think it is not the recordings. But the system i played them on . When over %50 of my catalog not sounding good last year to being able to listen to pretty much anything now . It is nice . opens up a much larger world of enjoyable listening .