Check in: How quickly are streamers and servers evolving?

This is a question for those who have been trying streamers and servers recently, watching reviews and product launches, or who just know their stuff and keep up with the technology. I am trying to separate market hype and churn from what is happening, technologically.

Many have said that DAC technology development has slowed down enough for people to feel comfortable spending real coin on a good DAC. Good to know.

So my question is: How quickly do you think streamer and server technology is evolving? Is it still a moving target -- in other words still worth being somewhat cautious about perhaps waiting before dropping serious coin as the technology is soon to change again? Or are we slowing down?

(For those who think these technologies can be accomplished in economical ways (Raspberry Pi, etc.), I'm still curious about your opinion about the speed of change, regardless of whether high dollar expenditures are unnecessary.)

Of course the other yet integral issue is how fast music catalogs are keeping up with the hardware changes to supply the new hardware with files that it can play. I just watched Darko discuss the Spotify move to CD quality (which he celebrates and for which explains the rationale), and it seems most of the music out there continues to exist at CD quality only, not higher resolution.

(Oh, and before someone chimes in with how analog beats digital so why bother...please don’t. I know you think that.)
Good ideas here. When I was considering updating my audio world (as I am home way more), I came across a Bluesound Node 2i demo for <$300. It does what I would normally do with streaming - mainly background music, and occasional seeking out samples of old stuff that is not in my CD or vinyl collection. 
It’s a marginal DAC and decent streamer. 
Thus my new preamp has a better DAC, so I will utilize that with optical or coaxial interconnected. 
Spotify is moving toward higher quality streaming because Tidal and Qobuz are taking revenue away from them. 
And I’m with you - I’ll not argue the superiority of vinyl  😜
I stream using my MacBook Pro into Schiit bifrost multibite. I have roon to play quobuz and it always sounded great. Open detailed and wide sound stage. Then I installed a giga bite  port switch so my system is streaming by hardwire into my Mac and not WiFi. This difference is one of the biggest upgrades my ears have ever noticed. It has added the depth to the recording I thought was there but now know it was missing. It also brought out more bass and tighter low end than I could have dreamed of. It is not a case that I had bad WiFi as I have great WiFi but when I went to wired connection the beast inside quobuz was awoken. My next tweek will be moving to fiber from Little Green Computer Co. but not sure if I can get any better sound. Once you find the rabbit hole it is hard to resist diving in!
I would say servers are not evolving at all the tech for a good server has been around since before the internet, the hardware and interface is better. Streamers have somewhat in the last 10 years but I think more in the user interface and querying the server. DACs are a solved problem if you’re looking for transparent they can be had for as little as a couple hundred dollars if you want certain types of distorion those can be bought as well usually for a lot more. Cables are not a problem either and good quality ones can be bought for modest prices. USB and ethernet is less of a problem than S/PDIF in dealing with clock problems and interference. If you do have a ground or some electrical problem with USB or Ethernet it can usually be corrected for a sane cost as well. Excellent Digital audio is easier to get than excellent vinyl. It’s very easy to get lost running down a rabbit hole with all the silly things I’ve seen on the net. Be sceptical and think rationally when dealing with the hardware in digital try blind listening and read at least a little about what’s happening in digital transfer of data outside of audiophilia.
Just a small note here: None of the high-zoot hardware that folks are talking about will matter very much unless the source material has been created with the appropriate fidelity. "Garbage in, garbage out." It's analogous to television: What good is an 8K screen unless you have original source material recorded to take advantage of the end reproduction? Please note I'm not saying that today's recordings are crap. Far from it! But what good is having a "better than CD" DAC and/or streamer if CD is what you're going to feed it? So pay attention to what quality your source material is.
Happy listening. I said....this showed up in my e/mail today....

How fast are things evolving?
Next time you listen to some 'fascinating' speakers, you can 'take notes', literally.... ;)

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