Hi Cal,
Not at all surprised you'd appreciate it. Yes, definitely a niche there for SET/low power amplifiers paired with high efficiency speakers. Also you have the more common high power solid state amplifiers/lower efficiency speaker crowd. But what's good is they don't spend time denigrating each other's choices. Very good knowledge and listening experiences shared on WBF.
This is a very good thread (Thankfully) but just not sure why the trolling and disrespectful discourse has become more prevalent on Audiogon. Seems to be worsening.
Not at all surprised you'd appreciate it. Yes, definitely a niche there for SET/low power amplifiers paired with high efficiency speakers. Also you have the more common high power solid state amplifiers/lower efficiency speaker crowd. But what's good is they don't spend time denigrating each other's choices. Very good knowledge and listening experiences shared on WBF.
This is a very good thread (Thankfully) but just not sure why the trolling and disrespectful discourse has become more prevalent on Audiogon. Seems to be worsening.