Koetsu Rosewood Sig or other Koetsu on medium mass arms

I have a Kuzma Ref 313 arm with a mass of 13 grams. It's a gimbal type arm. I'm looking for opinions, experiences, or direct user results on how a Koetsu might match up with a well made medium mass arm like the Kuzma.  
I'm sorry, oh great one, but I still don't know who Mark Baker is, in the sense that I should need to care about his opinion.  Much of what you say he says is much like what I wrote about the uncertainties of the calculation for any private end user, which make the resulting calculated resonant frequency something you should take with a grain of salt, although I suppose he took several paragraphs to say it in more detail. I won't respond to the ad hominems.  Have you figured out the root cause of the skating force yet?
Frank Kuzma is a very interesting guy. Here is an interview. It transfers to English during the interview.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWvXgfjEPoA
He will do and try just about anything, any type of tonearm, any type of turntable. The only thing I can think of that he does not do are MM cartridges. Like Frank Schroder some of his designs go a step further into the brilliant category like the 4 Point arms. He now makes a full air bearing turntable. Some of his designs violate his own principles, I guess out of his desire to meet market demands or keep the price down. The Stabi M is a fantastic turntable.
According to posts on this site Mark Baker offers some of the worst customer service of any equipment manufacturer which is sad because his arms are not bad.