Would like clarification

Looking to purchase some new outlets, I've heard folks say that you can't use 15 Amp power cables in 20 Amp outlets,
it looks like the 20 Amp outlets I commonly see will accept a standard 15 Amp power cable plug. Why not?
20 amp outlets accept 15 or 20 amp cords.  20 amp IEC (component end) is different than 15 amp IEC and are not interchangeable. 
The rule is if they fit together they can be used together. Remember that one simple rule it works with everything.
@bobspets1 - Yes - they fit but - here’s the problem - if you put a 20 amp outlet in place of a 15 amp outlet you are contravening the electrical codes.-

- because - now you can now plug a 20 amp device into that outlet
- and unless the wiring is also upgraded to 20 amp - it contravenes code
- SHORT STORY - it is a very real fire risk
- the insurance company would deny any claims

If you want to buy a better outlet then look for a Hospital Grade or MRI grade outlet - they clamp down on the plug for a better connection

e.g. - Hubbell 8200HW Hospital Grade Outlet Cryo Treated - Hubbell Cryo Treated 15A/20A Wall Outlets - (takefiveaudio.com)

I have used these for years as wall utlets and in my power distribution box and they work extremely well.

Regards - Steve