Mcintosh MX-120 any opinions or advice?

Hey everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Covid has me down in the dumps, so I’ve been keeping to myself more than usual.

I have a question....
What are the opinions about the Mcintosh Mx-120? I have opportunity to buy one from a friend for cheap, and while I have a very good, modern processor, I’m extremely curious about how this piece compares and stands up to modern standards. I realize it’s limitations, along with its target audience going in, but is that secret Mcintosh sauce still evident in the sound? Does it best a Marantz av8805 in two channel or even 5.1? Or any category? Furthermore, is it even worth buying?

Thanks in advance and be safe.
I owned the mx-120 for several years when I was transitioning from a 5.1 system, down to 2.2. As a 2 channel preamp, it offers a ton of value for the money since 2 channel purists skip over it for stereo use and it lacks the 12 or 15 channels required for today's home theater enthusiast. 

If you're okay with a 5.1 surround solution, or just want a solid 2 channel pre for a lot less money than a dedicated preamp, then go for it. It offers fantastic sound and a ton of flexibility.

Contrary to what you may read on later Mc processors, the 120 was not a re-skinned Marantz or Denon. However, you will need an s-video cable and input on your television to access the on screen menu, since the hdmi ports are pass through only.

I own two MX120. One I repaired.. Minor stuff.

They are a true sonic nuget, if your looking for a stereo system OR a three speaker setup. TONE control.. I won't own equipment without it.

I use mine for just that. It is one of Macs first attempts to keep Mac as a Mac but give you a 5.X option. It's as simple as that.
The MX series after this were different..

It will give you that warm Mac undertone, just like what Mac is known for.
WITH a touch of nostalgia if you play with the Cinema options.

1500.00 or less its worth the money.

Never saw or heard one, It sure seems to be a great choice.

"For those who want the utility of a home theater but will accept no sacrifice in two-channel performance, McIntosh has released their MX-120 AV preamplifier".

but, a careful check of features, lack of features is needed, i.e. only balanced out for front & external decoding might be needed.

" Low Points
• Since the MX-120 doesn't accept digital over HDMI it cannot decode any of the new uncompressed codecs of Blu-ray or SACD or DVD-Audio over HDMI. This necessitates use of the multichannel analog input and will require a higher end source, increasing the cost of the system.
• The MX-120 only offers balanced outputs for the front three channels.
• There is no room correction unlike AV preamps in its class.
• Tone controls are limited to bass, treble, and loudness control."

i have a mx132 which is the least expensive of the mx series! where doe's mine stand???