Searching for a new CD player

I would like to purchase either a new or used CD player.  Budget is about $600.  My biggest priority is finding one that will play CD's that contain some scuffs and scratches.  My current Yamaha 300 model that is a few years old does not do well in that respect.  I've read the Audiolab 6000cdt transport is good with CD's in bad condition but I will then need to add a DAC.  Not sure if any of the less expensive DAC's like the Cambridge Audio DAC Magic 100 is worth the cost since it appears to be about ten years old now.  Wondering if buying a new Marantz CD6007 or Rotel CD11 Tribute might be better since the DAC's are newer?  I noted the new Music Hall C DAC 15.3 is pretty good at handling troublesome CD's.  

Or would there be some used CD players that might outshine the new models mentioned?

Schiit will introduce a transport, I think; at least the guy I swapped emails with me said so. With even the Modi MB DAC it should be a decent combo

If they include an i2s port it could be quite a contender.
mesch.  The Onkyo DX 702 does indeed have a Toslink cable to the Topping D30 DAC.  Cheap DAC though.  Sound with that is only slightly better than the built in DAC.  

But, this does give me something to think about.  Perhaps spending a few hundred on a quality DAC would then allow this CD player to perform on the level of a newer model.  Would that be the case?
anton99.  Yes, I noted the Audiolab gets good reviews for handling scuffs and scratches on CD's.  It is something I've given some thought to.

BTW. To the others recommending players that handle BluRay and SACD, I don't actually have any of those disks.  Only CD's.  Prefer a pure CD only player.  Don't watch Video through a Home Theater system either.  

for $600 you can buy a very good CD player. Watch here, eBay and U.S. Audiomart daily. I look forward in reading about the player purchased.

Happy Listening!
I’d go with spending the money on a decent DAC and use one of your older players or a repurposed DVD player as a transport.  I also second the idea of burning the problem discs to a HD and then burning a new copy—I’ve done that with a few myself-or just play them from the computer to the new DAC.