Preamp or not.

I currently have the following setup Bluesound Node 2I, Topping D90, Pass XA25, Crites Type B speakers.
I originally had a Sunfire preamp but it failed. Then I upgraded my system last year. I tried a passive pre amp but removed it and now run the DAC direct to amp. The passive sounded fine but I ended up running it at full volume. No remote. I use the Bluesound ap to change volume. My thinking was less is better. My speakers are efficient and dynamic.

The Topping puts out 2V. Pass told me this is adequate. I am wondering what a preamp would do. How would it improve or degrade the sound? How much gain do I want from the preamp? Tube or solid state? Any other suggestions are welcome or should I just leave this alone? I don’t like buying, selling and failing. Here are some I saw that look interesting.

Pro-Ject Pre



Van Alstine

I would like to spend 2000 or less. I don’t need Phono. Remote volume would be nice. Thank you again.

not always, but in my experience as a practical matter, more often than not, active pre’s do add to the sense of drive in a high quality, resolving system
active preamps can certainly add significant dynamics
Absolutely impossible for them to give more dynamics or detail than what’s from the source.!! unless they have a dbx inside, and as I said they sound crap.

They "can" add a colouration/distortion edge to the music making you "think" they are more dynamic.

Cheers George
Consider a EVS Ultimate attenuater. Do a google search for pics.Of course you will loose some dynamic range of a preamp, But can eliminate a set of cables ect, Works very nice. I have mine in use for a Bi-amp sitaution and use the EVS for level matching between amps, so its on my tube mono blocks with virtually no sound degrade.  . 
Absolutely impossible for them to give more dynamics... than what’s from the source.!!

They sure can, if they have more gain.

They sure can, if they have more gain.
The gain is from the source, "if it’s enough" to get to the loudness you need, any more is not going to be used used no matter where it comes from or is added as it will just be turned back down to where you want it!!!!!

Remember what Nelson Pass says about passive preamps
"What could be better? Hardly any noise or distortion added by these simple passive parts. No feedback, no worrying about what type of capacitors – just musical perfection.
And yet there are guys out there who don’t care for the result. “It sucks the life out of the music”, is a commonly heard refrain (really - I’m being serious here!). Maybe they are reacting psychologically to the need to turn the volume control up compared to an active preamp."

Cheers George