Koetsu Rosewood Sig or other Koetsu on medium mass arms

I have a Kuzma Ref 313 arm with a mass of 13 grams. It's a gimbal type arm. I'm looking for opinions, experiences, or direct user results on how a Koetsu might match up with a well made medium mass arm like the Kuzma.  
According to posts on this site Mark Baker offers some of the worst customer service of any equipment manufacturer which is sad because his arms are not bad.
Franc said via email... his arms are designed to work with the best low compliance cartridges. He certainly went further with a more technical explanation, but I didn't want to quote him word for word. He also brought my attention to a recent Dick Olsher review in TAS, which I had already read. Dick had the Rose Sig on my exact table and arm. The review wasn’t the best written, but he certainly liked the Rose Sig.

I've set up a truckload of Koetsu's across the board from Blacks, Reds,  to the stone bodied on a range of arms. One point I would suggest you have a think about is where are you going with your front end.

There is a valid argument from my own experience that you would probably get a better outcome if you upgraded from the Reference 313 to the 4Point11 first if you can. This will give you a sustantially better outcome when you do buy a Koetsu - one that will last you for years.