A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV

The Cornwall IV is so sensitive in all respects.  Source, cables, power, time of day, recording, tubes---it is so revealing of changes you make.  I won't say it's scientifically transparent.  Instead, I'd say that it's overtly shows a difference with every change you make.  That can become a game or enjoyable in its own right, and draw you away from the music.

The good news is the Cornwall IVs are clearly a musical speaker.  This translates into most swaps of gear in and out sounding pleasant in their own right.    

Here's the problem:   I can easily sit tight with the Cornwalls and any decent setup of attached kit. But it is so utterly intoxicating to hear so many different things play with the Cornwalls.  

Curiosity killed the cat.  This cat might end up in bankruptcy!

What a wonderful loudspeaker. 
@jbhiller is getting slightly more than me, but I’ve been on the payroll a little longer.

So here is my obligatory Cornwall plug of the week. The Cornwall IV is an awesome speaker and you should buy a pair.

Now I just sit back and wait on the check. Bet you wish you had a gig like this..........
Hey JB...I know how you feel. (Disregard the haters) Its the super efficiency of the Klipsch Heritage group. I104db @ 1 watt RMS into 8  Ohms) Any change in kit is amplified in its noticeable impact. Early on I wondered why "everything" made a such a difference. Almost every criticism leveled at LaScalas are due to this "hidden feature". They are picky about who they play well with! They have "evolved" from the shrill, bass shy, tunnel horn, PA speakers into invisible transparent magic machines allowing me to listen INTO the sound stage. Best of all, they are wonderfully crystal clear at low volumes. (Which is another weird "hidden feature" since they are capable of truly rock concert volumes with no fear of driver destruction.) Each upgrade around them will be abundantly revealed and rewarded. FUN! I know this because I bought these first and then upgraded every else second. Do I get my check now?