You learn it and someone has to teach you. Very simple.. The number of people that talk themselves into hearing something is just NUTS.. MOST people talk themselves into hearing Shi$.. AGone is FULL of "what a difference" You learn to discern the difference by a teacher, not by listening on your own.. That is how you DON'T learn..
Professionals teach professionals. Rookies teach rookies what? What rookie learn..
I have a grandson, he won't shut up.. 6 years old. I have to tell him to LISTEN, pay attention to Grandpa..
Two ears ONE mouth.. use them accordingly, boy...
As far a drivers.. Have you ever had a wreck? NOT ME.. A million mile backwards, NEVER a wreck.. Think about that.. 15 ton service truck 40+ years NEVER a wreck.. That is the good driver.. Oh I did run over a guys CD cases after he left them under my tires to get them out of the heat. AFTER I looked under the truck.. AFTER, I almost took off his hand.
HE was a Fast driver too. Not a good one, but a fast one...:-) I knew race car drivers with no drivers lic.. BAD DRIVERS...OH YEA.. Real bad.. The most misused piece of tech on the planet. Everyone thinks they are for fun..
20 tickets, 20 wrecks. Good driver.. PRISON! 20 years... or 89 days in a 4 x 4 cage... You'll straighten out...