Had an epiphany, what would happen when all of you die?

This is not about analog directly or even music, I don't think there is another place in this planet with adepts like most of you are here in audiogon, what will happen when you all die? Raul, MC, Mijo, Lew, Erik, Atmasphere, (myself), even the one that shall not be named, even GK (how ya doing cupcake).
Will someone carry the torch? Would anyone care?Kind of sad to say see an age in audio technology (not only analog) pass by, really this post doesn't even make any sense, apologies in advance.

With all the craziness, and criticism,
If I would be alive 100 years from now I'll still miss audiogon and your contributions.
Thank you all for all the craziness
@luisma31.  Music lives and will continue to live and provide people pleasure.  As long as that is happening, there will be a desire to reach new levels of listening pleasure.  I trust the hobby live on.  I wrote into my will what my children should do with my audio gear.
I realize that what is wrong with this forum is that the OP question must be actionable. Then the moderator sees to the following of the rules. Clearly the moderator is asleep at the switch or nonexistent. HVAC 

Why all of you and not all of us?
Do you know something i don't?
Anyway i bet some will meet somewhere.

I’m going to put in my will that my kids will inherit my iPhoto library and my Roon play history and library. 
The beauty of both is the time stamp (and in the case of iPhoto, a place stamp too).  
Maybe when I’m gone, someone might wonder “what was he listening to around the time when we...” and a quick interrogation of the Roon metadata will reveal all. And maybe some memories of me will come flooding back. 
(Who am I fooling...)
 For me it's Heaven for the weather and Hell to see your friends. Also the creeps that lied to me.   Game over.