Rockport Atria II or Magico A5

I'm considering a change from my Focal Kanta 3s and will be auditioning Rockport Atria IIs and Magico A5s soon.  I've heard the Rockports and Magico S3 IIs together,  but not the A5s. Rockports more than held their own.   

Looking for opinions as to how either the Atrias or A5s would pair with my D'Agostino Progression Integrated and M Scaler/Dave   

My space is 15x21x14 ft and I stream Roon almost exclusively.   

My musical tastes are varied - classical, opera, jazz/blues, classic rock, indie  

I listen at moderate volumes and value clear separation between voices, but with a "coherent" sound overall if that makes sense.  This is what the Rockports seemed to achieve moreso than the Magico as I recall.  

Thanks and stay safe.  

right now I am in the same boat as you were, I also have focal kanta 3. and considering a trade to get the atria2 for a good price. what are you comments? cons and pros/ thanks
The Yamaha NS5000s  also deserve consideration.Wonderful natural sounding speakers and much easier to drive than most that have been mentioned here.

Having compared the Atria 11 and Magico A5, I applaud your decision and question only the inference that the Magico A5's ("speakers in this price range") handle music well.  Whereas the Atria 11 seamlessly integrated base, midrange and treble drivers, the Magico' my ear...had harsh, 'boxy' sound, with deficient treble clarity, and ample base but annoyingly clipped lower base notes, those defects evident throughout the speakers' volume range.
The B&W 802D3's have a 'different' sound from that of the Atria 11's, a more ample and deeper base, plumper midrange, transparent but 'fuller' treble....and like the Atria 11's, 'elegant' and coherent throughout the frequency range.  The 802D3's to me compare with the Rockport Avior 11's....with the edge going to the Avior 11's.
Your further thoughts on these comparisons are more than welcome.
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