SW1X dacs

I’m wondering who is familiar with SW1X dacs?  Seems to be limited info, some of it very over the top positive.  The various models range from approximately 3000$ to $25,000?  Has anybody heard or own one? Seems like a smaller UK company with limited US sales.
Thanks for any perspective on this. Ted
I have heard rave reviews of these DACs and am also the one who wants to credit for good product, no matter how small the company is. I have asked for demo and DAC II special will be coming to me in few days to week, for home trial. I am looking forward for the trial and am sure will be amazed. I have Luxman D10X and have recently trialed Mola Mola Tambaqui, all of which are top class. I am also about to audition Esoteric XD series and see how things line up. 

I, too, own an upgraded DAC III (DAC III+). It began life as a DAC III STD, but I sent it back for the upgrade last Fall after 'enthusiastic encouragement' from Wig. [Thank you!!] 

I cannot put into words how happy I am with this DAC. The US Dollar price for this fluctuates because it is priced in British Pounds, but approximately $6000 will get you a DAC III+. Just as my Daedalus Apollo speakers and Don Sachs amp and preamp brought my system to a new, much higher level of enjoyment, the DAC III+ has lifted it even higher. I definitely fall into the 'over-the-top' positive group of owners.

For reference, a buddy brought his Balanced Lampizator Atlantic w/volume control to my home for a weekend about a year and a half ago. I think it was already approximately 2 years old at that time. We went back and forth between his Lampi and my <not yet upgraded> DAC III STD playing songs over and over. We came to the conclusion that they were pretty close to each other in sound characteristics. I think Lampi prices have dropped quite a bit since that Atlantic was purchased, but his was ~$13k vs my ~$4600 DAC III STD. Granted, his had volume control, so one could forego buying a preamp if one were so inclined. I have no idea how any other Lampi DAC might compare.

The DAC III Balanced is in house and playing. I can not imagine any DAC on the planet, in my system, producing more etherial sound. After another two weeks of careful assessment I will update this post with a more meaningful review. 
Great to read. I'm also considering this dac. Going to hear one in Austin at Sadurni acoustics in Austin in June. 

It appears Sadurni is the new us source for the dacs, at Slawa referred me to them when I was asking about the product.