I have a serious phobia problem with cleaning records

HiI have RCM phobia .And I need help to over come my phobia wiith cleaning records. I'm ok with a Mofi brush or a cloth and just go in a circle and clean the dust off... But I am terrified of liquids and machines. Because I never know the right one to choose. The automation one's that all cost more I think give me some kind of small security but even reading stories on here now give me second thoughts. The machines aren't perfect either. As for doing manually forget it ...
I had my mind set on Nitty Gritty 1.5 Fi to the Mini Pro but not sure of the differences. There’s that 2.5 that has 2 pumps I don’t understand that.
Mini Pro should be the better idea as it cleans both sides simultaneously. I have used it in the past with very good results, just do not overdo it with too much liquid application. 2 pumps, one for manualy applying liquid on lp surface and the other for suction? 

Back in the 90's there was a guy Joe at Corner Audio in Portland, had some of the best high end gear anywhere along I5 up to Seattle and beyond. I'm in there one time and he pulls out a record and makes a big deal holding it all wrong, getting his fingers all over it, never touching the edge, probably sat it down on a counter for good effect. You get the idea. Played the record, Santana Abraxas reissue, sounded great. Was only years and years later the wisdom sank in. You can OCD over records, or you can enjoy them. I clean mine, sure. Walker Enzyme. But I do not obsess over it. Nor should you. Nor should anyone. Wind up like the guy with delicious wine unable to enjoy even a sip for fretting if at one time five years ago it was subjected to three degrees too much heat. Do not be that guy.
I have a VPI 16.5. I’ve never had a record sound or look worse after being cleaned. In general with most records, cleaning doesn’t make a huge difference in sound quality (although the US guys claim greater improvements), but there have been times where it made a dramatic difference.

What is it exactly that you're concerned about?