Bargain Priced SACD Giant Killer?

I think my SCD-1 is very good and beautifully made, but at the end of the day, I am listening to digital less and less, other than from my PC.

So I am thinking about recycling some of its resale value into a turntable, and building up a WAF file music server.

If I were to sell my SCD-1, is there anything that will give me 75% + of the sound on a budget, albeit without the gorgeous build quality?
I wonder if Cwlondon even monitors this less than constructive discussion of the trl unit. Anytime you entertain a discussion of best buy in a component, one is opening a can of worms. Excellent sound is difficult enough to get agreement on and once you weigh in cost, I suspect agreement is impossible.

I am sure the TRL unit is excellent as are many other units at that price-point. I am equally sure that there are better unit at higher price-points. Certainly, Alex's TEAC is excellent and costly. This is the limits of any certainty that I have. How Alex handles himself in discussions is irrelevant to anything.
I heard the Tube Research Labs modified Sony DVP-NS900V at the VMPS booth at THE Show '06.

I'm familiar with the $10k Wadia 27ix DAC & also a heavily modified SACD player ($5-7k range, owner didn't specify). Though I have not yet A-B'd the TRL against either, there are reasons to believe it's sound quality places it in the top echelon of digital sources, whether Red Book or any so-called hi-rez variety. I eagerly look forward to A-B-ing it against the Wadia & my engineer friend's hard-drive/Squeezebox combo, in a TacT-based system w/ 8' tall horn speakers (estimated $100k/pr).

My favorite test track at THE Show (don't be afraid to use that acronym in place of "CES") was a well-recorded grand piano with a beautiful orchestra that fades in halfway through then fades out, ending with the solo piano again. It's beautiful, yet less than about 4 minutes, so you can hear it all & keep the vendors happy.

We all know nothing can sound better than the weakest link in the equipment chain, & obviously from the almost universally favorable press (exceptions being competitors) the system & room was good, in spite of being a bit cramped.

The most memorable thing, & the thing that drove me to purchase a used Sony & send it to TRL for the mod, is the level of emotional involvement during my audition. I have heard that cut many times & in excellent venues, including the VAC/Von Schweikert room & the TAD/Pass Labs room. None caused the high level of emotional reaction in the TRL/VMPS room. The sweetness of the music was almost painful in its poignancy. My reaction bordered on embarrassing because of the public venue.

It's a nice benefit that TRL principals-brothers Brian & Paul Weitzel are two of the nicest people you will meet in the high end.

I look forward to its arrival ASAP. The performance level of the TRL-Sony & the VMPS Constant Directivity Waveguide RM30's have convinced me to invest in professional room analysis, remodeling, & upgraded acoustic treatments. It just makes no sense to have hardware at this level without getting the room as close to perfect as possible.
DTM: Yes my motive is transparent. It is to defend the good name of the manufacturer/mod shop whose amplifiers/pre-amplifiers/digital mods/cables/SACD's and CD's etc. that I've had the pleasure to own since the early 1990's.

And I stand by my statements above that additional circuits can harm the audio signal. Less is more, wouldn't you agree?


Jes45, certainly in the case of linestages and amps, I would agree. I don't recall what additional circuits you are talking about, but most mods of players don't add circuits, they improve parts in power supplies or circuits, stiffen power supplies, add tube output stages, and/or upgrade clocks. None of these are adding circuits.

I have no idea which mod at any given moment would please me most, nor do I believe anyone has ever really had the opportunity to make that judgment. There is only one unit in my experience that stands above everything I have heard as to make it a benchmark, that is the Reimyo CDP777. It does not play sacds. Were it not so expensive I would keep it around.