Been buying vinyl record since 1964. When Capitol records state that they've sold 8 million copies of Sgt. Peppers my audio collector friend and I say hogwash, between the 2 of us, we've owned that many.........
Many of the answers and yes, even opinions stated here are quite true. It depends. Just up from here it was mentioned about playing a record more than once a day. If you've ever seen a microscopic video of a stylus passing in slow motion thru a record groove it gives the appearance of a tire going thru water. Even though vinyl is considered a solid, it's not. It is a very dense liquid state and the 1.5g stylus is making waves. I wish I could provide a link for this but alas I cannot. If someone can find this anomaly, please share.
Many of the answers and yes, even opinions stated here are quite true. It depends. Just up from here it was mentioned about playing a record more than once a day. If you've ever seen a microscopic video of a stylus passing in slow motion thru a record groove it gives the appearance of a tire going thru water. Even though vinyl is considered a solid, it's not. It is a very dense liquid state and the 1.5g stylus is making waves. I wish I could provide a link for this but alas I cannot. If someone can find this anomaly, please share.