Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?

Sure, they may be pleasing to the ear, but don't non-transparent speakers (and other gear) represent presumptive editing--across the board, regardless of the musicians' intent?
Just a provocative thought.
Let's be nice to each other if this thread takes off.
Simply put there is no disrespect. First, the original intent cannot be reproduced by any system due colorations in the playback system and the room that its played back in. If a room is glass lined with tile floors, a warm colored speaker maybe essential for an enjoyable listening experience. If I am not mistaken, this why we pursue this hobby. Second, we all hear differently and the customer is free to choose what sounds best given their listening environment. Lastly to reproduce the studio session as accurately as possible, you would have to purchase the exact equipment in the recording chain: the studio monitors, the amplifiers, the mixing board, and the source, not very practical. Even after all this, the room would color the final playback making the whole endeavor a waste of time. So the final take away is to pick what you feel best fits the room and your listening expectations and enjoy the music 
I've known a few musicians, producers and engineers in my life. I've never heard any of them discuss the merits of the listeners speakers or environment. I think the only thing that is insulting to them are bootlegs.
One friend of mine who passed way invented a recording process called "hot tip stylusing". This allowed more tracks to be squeezed onto an LP. You can thank him for some or many of the low quality LP's you may have. I told him "I don't think a Japanese engineer would have approved of his invention" He just stared at me. Nope, they just want to get paid. Joe

nope, they just want to get paid.

that simple statement explains so much of what happens in our world ... we overthink things about human behavior, why things play out as they do...

it’s super simple - most people are just trying to get by... 😲