Question for those with “Golden ears”, and a frustration! (The Loudness Wars)

Hello! My first text! My user name, is short for my Companies name.
  Anyway, I ALWAYS wondered, which sounds better to you with $$$$ equipment? The Led Zeppelin Rhino Black box of Japanese made, mini copies of the record album sleeves CD’s of ALL the albums? Or, the large sized four CD disk boxset with the crop circle picture on the front(1990 release?), and the later small box, that had the songs missing from the four box “crop circles” box? The mini-album Japanese CD’s sound pretty damn good to me!  Any thoughts? Which sounds better to you? Those with CD based systems I can only dream of owning?  As to my rant, I went to the Wiki article of: The Sound Wars! And there was a link where you can put in your CD or album title and artist, and it tells you if it’s been compressed(LOUD!), or, not. Specifically: CD’s, (if it’s compressed, the VU meters will stay locked in the red) My favorite Fleetwood Mac CD, The Dance, all in the RED, BAD! 😢 U2’s Joshua Tree (special boxed edt.) All in the GREEN (GOOD). But I swear, the drums/cymbals, IMO, sound awful on that CD! Especially the cymbals! NEVER could find a good sounding Joshua Tree CD that the drums and cymbals sounded good. 🙁 That was my FAVORITE concert!!! 4’th. row seats!! AWESOME! Other albums, NIN CD’s all in the red, Van Halen as well. And the worst, totally unlistenable, got it for Christmas many years ago, Led Zep., The Mothership CD’s. 🤮

Thank you all!!!
@lowrider57 I believe that my friend said that it was from the original masters but I can't answer that question definitively.
i've gotten into the habit of re-remastering the sound of many releases both old and new, to suit my preferences and nervous system. brick-walled recordings can at least be somewhat ameliorated via more digital trickery. 
I’m just very sad some stupid “suit”, god help us if it was the artist choice, but some “suit”, saying: “GOTTA BE LOUDER TO SELL!!”. 😡😡😡😡😡. I can sorta understand: Van Halen, DEFINITELY Metallica’s album that everyone talked about being UNLISTENABLE! But I REALLY respect: the members of: Fleetwood Mac, especially Lindsey B., and Trent Reznor, and how they could release albums (CD’s), that have ZERO sonics, just to make them LOUDER! And that goes for R. Plant, and “The Mothership”. I call it “The Mothers##t”.
So, who’s responsible for RUINING my “The Dance” by Fleetwood Mac?? Yes, I KNOW, the LP would be “sonically” perfect, because if they cranked the LP master up, the needle, would literally bounce off of the record!!! But not CD’s.😞 I had records, many worth a lot now, sold by my mom at her garage sale, along with my: Star-wars toys. And comic books. I just like the convenience of CD’s. Play at home, play in car, saved as FLAC files on my MacBook Pro. And no pops, warps, no static electricity issues, no, OMG! I scratched it!!! So, who’s fault is it? How could R. Plant have approved “The Mothers##t”? Glad I didn’t pay for it! Bummed. So many wonderful CD’s ruined....
It all depends on YOUR ears brother. Not only how your ears decipher sound, but what type of sound pleases you. Give you an example. If your ears simply cannot decipher and process certain frequencies as well as others, then generally (remember i said generally lol) the sounds that you hear best and are produced really well by the musicians sound fuller, clearer, and crisper. Those that your physiology doesnt process as well often sound dull or muddied. No one else can for sure hear what you hear, so while looking for consensus might give you a proper lead, it may not. I’ve always just bit the bullet and buy several versions that i can compare on my gear, keep the best, and sell the rest. Personally, I’ve usually found the Japanese versions of most of my Rock recordings to pretty consistently provide the best listening along with some mofi and dcc. Some will say they’re too precise, analytical, etc. Well i would say if you’re a Rock fan and like the power bands (Zep), there’s a good chance depending on your age that you’ve lost a bit of your high frequency hearing. If accurate, you need precision or you’ll wonder why Bonham was using such shitty cymbals ! Hopefully, your hifi system can adapt to exactly what YOUR hearing preferences and adaptations are. Good luck my friend!
Sorry, but I can't resist. Anyone notice how many posts in this thread about Led Zep and the Loudness Wars overuse exclamation points? And ALL CAPS? And even loud emojis? Gotta love it.