First HIFI system

Hi everyone! I'm on the market to buy my first HIFI system without breaking the bank and have done some research without being able to make a decision so far. My biggest limitation is the layout of the living room. Although is a decent 38m2 with high ceilings I'm limited on the spacing between speakers at about 2 meters apart.
I'm inclined to the Marantz M-CR612 with a pair of decent column speakers, first option was the Qacoustics 3050i for their 91dB sensitivity but one of the vendors I've contacted advised to go with the MonitorAudio Bronze 200 since the drivers are about 1" smaller and would perform better at 2meters apart. I understand that both of them have their on pros and cons and sound quality will depend on my own sensibility, but do you guys think this will be a good match?
I'm thinking on using QED XT40 speaker wires.
Thanks and looking forward for your feedback!
Probably more confused than regretful. Welcome to the worlds most cynical audio forum where opinions are facts. 
Thanks to everyone for the quick response and feedback, that is a lot to digest. I do understand everybody point of view, but let me explain mine. I'm limited on speaker placement due to the layout of the room, I know, I should have placed my furniture after the HIFI and not the other way around. For example I only have a niche of 22" by 22" for my left speaker and a maximum of 80" to keep speakers apart. I'll probably have to pull that one out from the niche if I crank that volume up just for it to have space to breathe. 
I'm not a sound purist or have the knowledge to understand it but I do listen to music more than i watch TV and for that reason sound quality is important. We've been listening to music from a compact stereo with two book self speakers on a tiny room and just by moving this compact stereo to a new house with enough space for sound to propagate put a smile on everybody face. I'm looking to get something that can give me a better sound experience but within the same use scope we have used the old stereo with music streaming and occasional CD listening.
The idea for an all in one system besides $ saving is the convenience of having only one piece of equipment and with the constant equipment evolution easier to replace/upgrade once i start having a better understanding of what is important to me sound wise, which is going to take time and mistakes.
My budget is not limited but I don't wanna go crazy buying something that I don't have the space or the sensibility to fully enjoy since we mostly listen to music while we're doing stuff around the space and not sitting down at an optimal distance being engulfed by that music that gives us the chills. Hopefully this initial systems will open the Pandora box for the search and need of that experience.
I live in the Azores islands so used equipment is not an option cause there's none to choose without having to get on a plane to go listen to it and same said on what's available locally for me to purchase.
I'm open to spend extra money on a separate amplifier and a network/cd player. Initially looked at the ND8006 with the PM8006 but that was 2.5K without the speakers. Found a full pack with the Polk S55 for around 3K but the space limitations conditioned that purchase. Unfortunately I'm realizing that might have to use a separate room that has no space limitations for the HIFI if want to have something great.
Just for example, in the case of the Vanatoo, you can connect any laptop or home computer with a CD drive to the USB input and play from your computer. THe USB input has Max sample rate of 96K at 24 bits. OR CD via standard S/PDIF input. Check the specs/photo of rear for all the input options. The small size but big sound and overall flexibility would make it a slam dunk to start with for only ~$600. I’d predict the sound is at least as good as the combo you are considering, probably better given all the flexibility to adjust the sound including built in DSP and also tone controls. Not to mention each speaker is biamped internally so 4 internal amps in use overall for well over 100w/ch into 8 ohm. No joke!

I first heard them at a high end audio show, Capital Audiofest, where the room was one of the busiest in the show...lots of impressed audiophiles listening including me.

Mine are in my wife’s sunroom where space is limited and hifi gear only tolerated if unobstrusive.