Wich high end CD palyer?

I want to buy a new CD palyer to replace my Meridian G 08, I already tested the Meridian 808,wich I found excellent.

I would like to receive suggestions about what else I should listen to.

The budget is up to 12.000 euros ($ 14 K), even if I could go higer in case it is worthwhile.

I live in Europe then we should stick to products available here.

Thank you
I wish I could help you with some recomendations and would like to say have fun in your search, and also sorry that such a lame brain like Stvncar has to bother this thread.
i'm still trying to figure out the logic behind spending $40,000 for a system to reproduce the sound of a $200 guitar through a $400 amp with a $100 microphone and some cheap cords, into a $1000 console and onto an $8 dat tape that is recorded on a $300 player (total cost of around $2100) "as it was heard in the studio".

Jeeze man, not everyone listens to demo-cd's from start-up bands! Where are you coming up with those figures? So are you suggesting the poster should limit their listening to an 8-track player in a 72 Gremlin, and save themselves the $40K for a one-time appearance by their favorite one-man band...Although I'm quite sure $40K isn't enough to be enticing an established performer to come out to East Jesus, as you suggest, to play a single private gig for one person's shits and giggles. And do you really think the one-time thrill would be THAT exciting? I think it may be a bit awkward to say the least, having your favorite performer in your living room playing just for you. Talk about overloading your room too!

I don't think it does necessarily "take astronomical amounts of money to hear the instruments as if they were in the room". That's kind of the attraction of this hobby. You can get pretty impressive reproduction for not allot of coin. Obviously that's a relative amount. You are not ever going to get a system to truly reproduce the sound of a live performance in your room. The fact that you can even come close is the carrot on the stick that folks who love music are willing to throw money at. The more money you have to spare, the more you'll be able to spend if you so desire. Pretty simple if you ask me. The reason a person would want to have their system sound close to what it may sound like if, say, you were able to raise the dead and get John Lee Hooker to come play in your living room, is that, well, that is a pretty damn amazing experience. Moving to say the least, especially if you like his music. Scary if you were actually able to get John Lee back from the dead...even more so if you could do it any time of the day or night at the push of a few buttons and the turn of a knob or two. Hey, wait a minute, you can! You can also bring the "sound" of a full orchestra in a world-class hall into a 13X20 foot room, or even between your ears with a pair of headphones. Pretty cool stuff!

Dear Stvncar:

Please the thread is about suggestions to look for a CD player.

You disagree with what I am doing, fine, so what?

I find that the best sound is given, unfortunately, by expensive equipment. this it is my problem not yours.

So, please, do not keep posting. Open your own therad and have your endless theoretical usless discussion until the end of your days (do not discuss too loud I will be listening to my favourite music).

Just for your info my sistem is worth more than 40 K, but a good piano is worth much more than my system, and takes more room, and I don't know how to play it, and Rubistein insists in smoking in my house.
Are you serious? read your answer and think BUT do not answer me.


Thank you. You gave me some nice homework.

Dear Mike, you are very wrong I put the BPO in my garden and was fine... Only that the 1º violin went a little upset when it rained over his Stradivarius and the neighbour was rally annoyed when we fired the guns durig the overture 1812 ;-)).

And Eliane Elias is even prettier than Diana Krall
Ccereda, at the moment I'm writing this response I'm listening to my system with an Ensemble transport and the Accustic Arts DAC1 MK3 as the digital front end.

I believe that if you go to a thread I started entitled: Reference DACS/ An overall perspective, it will give you good information regarding the different "flavors" of DACS and CDPS. I have auditioned CDPS from both Ensemble and Accustic Arts, along with Reimyo and non-upsampling players, and many are really terrific, but do offer different perspective on the music event.

That's way personnal taste and system synergy mandate home auditions if possible to find what's best for your ears'. I think the Ensemble CDP offers some of the best sound on redbook cd and can be gotten, at least here in the U.S. because of problems with having an importer, for around $4000.00 American dollars, which I think is a great deal.
I am very happy with the EMM labs DCC2/CDSD combo. Might be a tad over budget, but you could do without a preamp...