Wilson Alexx V

The new Alexx V is to be released at the end of this month 3/29/21.  Any thoughts or predictions on how this one will compare to the current one.  I know no one will know for sure until it’s out.  They say it’s based off the XVX.  I believe this one may rival the XLF in a smaller package. New tweeter, midrange and increase in bass enclosure size and the new Xcaps.  More efficient?  Any thoughts?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcarey1110
 Well I'm not familiar with the specific thread or "guru " poster you reference.  There are hundreds of threads and dozens of topic sections to choose amongst.  I don't question your encounters on WBF (Unfortunately not pleasant for you) and am only relating my more positive  experiences there.

 So not surprisingly we are two  individuals with our own perspective and opinions of that forum. Anyway carey1110 had a good experience there and I'm glad my suggestion was helpful to him.

@charles1dad There are indeed hundreds of threads on the WBF, i used to commit threads with regularity. The place changed a few years ago, at that time one of the founders was pushed out and another member replaced him. Seems like after that everything went downhill quickly. The new owners appear to have an agenda, one that caters to the guru member who will throw ad hominems at anyone and get away with it. Nowadays, if you look at the membership, most of the original members have left, there is no longer any reason to contribute!
Perhaps carey1110 could get some advice, but I seriously doubt it, more likely he will get into a run in with the guru...lol.
@roxy54  I meant their...meaning their ( a pronoun for possession) and not they are or they're, but who's talking grammar!!!  \..