Hey @ml8764ag Glad to know you love your PHO 701. I’m not entirely unhappy with it. One thing I wish it can do better is the noise floor. I wish it was quieter. I bought a NOS RCA tube and it sounds a little nicer than the stock one, also seems a little warmer.
My issue is that the PHO 701 is my first ever phono stage. I’m curious to see if I can do better. Also, on the digital side, I have a Lumin T2 streamer/DAC, and I think it sounds better than my analog set up. It has a quieter background and a bigger sound stage. Although my analog setup sounds a little more intimate. I guess I want to see if I can improve on my analog set up to ’compete’ with my digital set up. Sounds silly, isn’t it? :-)
Looks like most people think it’s better to upgrade the phono stage first. Will post back if I do make a change. Thanks again!