Floor Speakers Speakers for Movies / TV

Hi, I am new to the forum so sorry if this has already been discusses. I have an old B&K AVR 507 (not using surround, just have it in stereo) and am looking to buy a set of speakers to watch Movies and TV. Looking for something that does NOT have a a booming bass, prefer clean and tight bass. Would like the speakers to make dialog as clear as possible. Currently have an old pair of ADS 710 Bookshelf speakers (which will be for sale once I get new speakers) which are too bassy for the Mrs.

I was also set to buy a pair of Totems. I emailed Totem sales and asked what they though for my B&K and living room would be better, Arro or Sky Tower. They said Sky Tower and to go listen at local store. I did just that and also heard the Tribe Towers. I ruled out the Arro and was torn between the Sky and Tribe. Local shop does not have a program where I can demo at home, so I emailed Totem sales again. After emailing three or four times asking for their assistance, have not received a response. I can only imagine if their sales is like this, their customer service will really be lacking if I should ever need their assistance. Therefore, I am crossing Totem off the list which is a shame.

I am turning to all of you to get recommendations for speakers that are not picky as they will be within a foot or so from the wall. Would prefer to stay under $5000 ( I realize the Tribe towers are a little more than that) which is why I say "prefer". I have considered the Dali Opticon 6 Floorstanding Speakers.

Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Many moons ago I owned the ADS 810. You should take a look at the Spendor A-LINE. I think the Spendor will fit the bill in size, sound and budget!
Mcondo,  I like the ADS and also have a pair of ADS 690s (had to replace a woofer in one of them) that I used to like even better,  but the Mrs. doesn't like the bass of the 710s when there are explosions in a movie or any big action.

Yogiboy, I will check out the Spendors when I get home.

Thank you both for your input
Dali has an enhanced treble, allowing you to listen at lower volumes.

In general, you probably would like a lot of 2.5 way speakers.  How about Monitor Audio?
I've been checking out the Spenders and the Monitors online. They look great, have to see if I can find somewhere to listen to them.  Found Spendor A2s used online 

Floor Speakers Speakers for Movies / TV

Big panel speakers to give big effortless sound.
A pair of old Magneplaner Tympani 1D’s come to mind, they’ll do the bass too so no subs needed, then you something like a Maggie 1.7 on it’s side for the centre channel under the screen to match the mains.
The of course the rears have to be Maggie SMg’s or .7’s
That should envelope, "wash over you" in surround sound, without being too obvious or forceful.
And if you don’t have the room for this setup, then go to smaller Maggies all round and some subs.

Cheers George