Best stands so baby doesn't knock speaker over

Looking for the sturdy bottom weighted stands so my baby doesn't knock off my Klipsch RP600s or whatever other bookshelves I'm playing with at the time.  I'm not really looking for audiophile anything as these are for a bedroom. 

It's hard to tell "sturdy-ness" online.  I would love a granite or marble base for weight but not sure that's affordable.

Any one have any experience with this?
Its not so much the word I am looking for as someone who has a clue what words mean what. Baby, toddler, and child are three very different things. Adult, parent, ditto. Time was every parent, heck every adult for that matter, knew the difference. Now it seems exactly like what I said in the beginning, only highly trained specialists are qualified to watch a baby. Honestly wrote it as a joke but now reading what has come since everyone is making that sound dead serious. Don't know whether to laugh, or cry?
I built a simple light wood frame and wrapped it with some cloth mesh from a fabric store.  Put it over the entire speaker.  It worked fine, didn't look nice but with tiny kids nothing looks nice anyway and you'll be too tired to care.  
I taught my dog to stay away from the equipment and speakers. I am told children are even smarter. Time will tell. How did we ever keep them from being eaten by T-Rex and Sabre toothed tigers?

A lot of stands are made so they can be filled with sand or kitty litter or shot or some other media for extra weight. If you only fill partially that can really lower the cg and go a long way toward preventing tip-overs. How much weight do you need? I suppose a few sandbags around the base plate could do the same thing and eliminate sharp corners, too. 
@cat_doorman that’s it!!!! Sandbags around the feet! My wife already allows Tektons and Klipschorns so what could sandbags hurt! I knew I’d find the perfect answer here.

So I have a daughter, and again, she’s great and trained well... But when we have friends over with boys, it’s a whole different story.

My dad had Cornwalls in college and sold them to pay for us expensive kids.. He bought Advents, just to have something, and of course I kicked the woofers out. Sounded so cool.