To Roon or not to Roon?

I recently have tried the 14 day trial of Roon and I could not get Roon to sync with my Auralic Aries G2.1 LD Lightning app and after a couple of days of trying everything my LD Lightning app itself went wonky and started to skip tracks and not play. I had to reinstall the Lighting app and restart my Aries. I read online where some people just preferred the sound of the Lightning app as opposed to the Roon app. Is Roon worth the trouble and expense over the Auralic Aries app which is pretty good on it’s own. I spent a lot of time with Roon and it just messed up my streaming setup. Any advice would be appreciated.
Tom. I love the Auralic Aries G2.1. It replaced the PS Audio Bridge II which was connected to my Directstream dac. The Auralic Aries streamer is far superior to the Bridge II.
mitchb how is the lightning DS interface                                        what other streamers did you look at I'm also looking at Aurender N10 
Thanks for the info 
I too love ROON. I recently had a problem with my set up which led to a lose  of sound from my speakers. It was a simple fix and not any fault of the app. ROON's customer support is lacking which has been frustrating. Having said that, e-mails we're responded to quickly. Mitchb, get in touch with ROON support for a fix to the problem you had and try the 2 week trial again. ROON needs to know of your situation. You can then decide whether you want to commit. 
Another +1 for Roon. Do you need it? Are you trying to solve a problem? Increase SQ? Get a better UI? Only you can answer those questions. But, if you're asking if Roon is good software, then yes. It's the best music library software I've tried by a HUGE margin - regarding sound quality, GUI ease of use, DSP features and quality, Tidal/Qobuz integration, library management, and whole-house streaming. The issues they had with 1.8 have been dealt with quickly, as far as I can tell (at least the issues I was having). IMO, the support staff is responsive, as well. People moan about the yearly fee, but it works out to about $10/month, a reasonable fee for good software. YMMV + YGWYPF (made that up - you get what you pay for)
Love ROON and I hardly use the organization features or even search. The things I use most are Convolution files, Parametric EQ, zones, and recommendations. I have 4 zones that are used throughout the house. I do not use WiFi and have relied on PowerLine Ethernet distribution to rooms that do not have direct Ethernet. I also have a ROON Core server that is installed on a $400 DELL Optplex server. I use ether Sonore OpticalRendu for Fibre streaming or RJ45 Ethernet streaming. No WIFI allowed.

With regards to ROON customer support. I thought they were great. I noticed a problem with CPU usage going crazy when the ROON Client was opened while music played. This was around 2AM PST. I posted a question on the ROONLabs Forum and I got an immediate response from some ROON tech in London. He/She and I worked out the solution in a matter of an hour or 2 via Forum posts. The issue (for both PC and MAC) is that some video drivers get messed up with computer OS updates. In my case, NVidia drivers. The ROON guy even found be the proper NVidia drivers to keep around for future OS updates. Great support.