Best stands so baby doesn't knock speaker over

Looking for the sturdy bottom weighted stands so my baby doesn't knock off my Klipsch RP600s or whatever other bookshelves I'm playing with at the time.  I'm not really looking for audiophile anything as these are for a bedroom. 

It's hard to tell "sturdy-ness" online.  I would love a granite or marble base for weight but not sure that's affordable.

Any one have any experience with this?
A lot of stands are made so they can be filled with sand or kitty litter or shot or some other media for extra weight. If you only fill partially that can really lower the cg and go a long way toward preventing tip-overs. How much weight do you need? I suppose a few sandbags around the base plate could do the same thing and eliminate sharp corners, too. 
@cat_doorman that’s it!!!! Sandbags around the feet! My wife already allows Tektons and Klipschorns so what could sandbags hurt! I knew I’d find the perfect answer here.

So I have a daughter, and again, she’s great and trained well... But when we have friends over with boys, it’s a whole different story.

My dad had Cornwalls in college and sold them to pay for us expensive kids.. He bought Advents, just to have something, and of course I kicked the woofers out. Sounded so cool.
There really is a very simple word. No. Works really, really well. Especially if it is stated with a bit of effect. The other suggestions can work as well, but this one is really cheap and works in a multitude of situations...
@geof yep a strong "NO" has worked.  However, as she approaches 2 years old, she's enjoying pushing the limits.  And that's hard if/when other unruly kids come over. 

My daughter is great about it!  But it just takes 20 seconds of unsupervised time where they're testing the boundaries.  And let's be honest, the first thing I want to do is tap the woofers at Magnolia Home Theater!
 I kicked the woofers out. Sounded so cool.


Man oh man did we have different Dads.. I wouldn't be typing this right now if I would had done that.. Really.. I would have wound up adopted to someone else for sure.. Not a bad idea come to think of it.. If I would have survived. Kicked out a speaker.. OR a hole in a wall, IT NEVER happened.. Chief Master Sergeant/Chief master mechanic.. 23 years.
Mean SOB comes to mind...

My Mother.. an Angel, tougher than him for sure..:-)

Kids and speakers.. I put my stuff away for 16 years, Mac valve gear and TT just didn't work in my head. I had a little rigs in my shops. I taught them in my shop about touching STUFF.. Girls and Boys.. RED is a NO NO etc.. LOL all the shop stuff had child keys.. 

10 fingers 10 toes.. They gotta have all the parts, or most ay..
Tough to give um away, maybe a circus, or somethin' :-)
