Amplifier brand/designer with the most unique and consistent “house sound?”

This concept of “house sound” has been pretty fascinating to absorb and consider.  Who here knows amp brands and their house sounds well enough to comment?

Agree totally with Eric Squires.

quoting ERIC

 " Not sure  I can be as articulate tonight as I have been in the past, but to my ears the Ayre amps seem to darken the room, as if they could suck the noise out of it and leave you with less of your room and more of the music. It's a very distinct feeling "

I would say that's true of all their products. I feel the same way about my QX-5 and KX-5. Awesome products and superb friendly service.

Watch some of their you tubes to see what makes them who they are including some with Charley when he was still with us.

Ayre amps seem to darken the room, as if they could suck the noise out of it and leave you with less of your room and more of the music. It’s a very distinct feeling.

to what erik said, i would expand with following points on the ayre ’sound’...

1) the blackness of the background is so distinct... it allows more detail to come through, but without throwing it at you, thus there is a lovely delicacy and finesse to the sound, there is detail and ’hearing into the music’ but without even a trace of harshness or aggressiveness

2) the delicate treble emanating the deep dark background couples with a smooth, dimensional midrange that falls just short of tubey fleshiness but is clean without being lean -- once again there is texture and microdetail but without any forwardness or full-fat feeling from tubes... similar to the better pass amps’ sound in this regard

3) the bass is NOT thundering... it is impactful and tight, but not to the depths of the best krells, d’agostinos, levinsons... but sufficient and in proportion to the upper ranges... no bloat less thunder minimal overhang

as such, i value the ayre sound most in my phono stage (p5xe)... the deep dark background and clean gain with minimal edification and lovely finesse is so key, imho, for first stage phono amplification from which to drive forward from...

others may add to the above as they fit... it is my 2 cents, hope i have captured it fairly accurately
Rob Carver will voice any amp you want. 
 He has made some amazing amplifiers. 
 Have absolute respect for Rob Carver!
if I had the coin, those new silver seven amps at 900W of tube power would be mine.

 And the 350’s in my 2nd system.

Marantz KI signature models.... Sony as mentioned.... And luxman also seem consistent even valve to SS
Another +vote for AYRE. Solid state products with a tube-like Soul.

Happy Listening!