The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear

Forget about having the audio itch, upgraditis, or whatever you want to call it - anyone besides myself ever feel like the Wilt Chamberlain of Audio gear?  My brother always said that I change audio gear more than I change my underwear, but in the last 2 years, the addiction has gotten worse I think.  My name is Lou and I’m an audio whore, and I don’t mind it one bit :)

Anyone else care to share?
I’ve owned 33 speakers in the last 30 years.

I have owned 26 amps in the last 30 years.

Yes, I have a problem.......

For a few years I'd say I was a "Stephen Curry" but now I'd say I was a "John Lucas".
You can teach your ears to hear better by listening critically, to both live and recorded music. A mindful process becomes matching the gear you experience with what your increasingly educated ears are telling you. I think the more you learn and move up the fewer new gear experiences you will need, and the more you will enjoy them. After a few years of doing this, now when I go to audio shows I can usually determine if it's worth it to stay in a room or not within two minutes--sometimes it's the gear and sometimes it's the room, but it works out to the same choice about whether to stay or leave. And the best always means coming back later to listen again. If you continue to try out dozens of different audio equipment over many years you aren't listening in a productive way.
But if you are just having fun instead of expanding your audio understanding, then what the hell, why not do it?
While I admire those who sustain long, loving relationships with their stereo, I tend to develop a wandering eye.  I do keep some things around a good long while but that seems to be the exception to the rule.  Only the size of my bank account and the patience of my wife keep me in some degree.