Anyone know how to determine bitrate/res on Stereophonic?

Without buying any gear, I mean.
No insult intended. I just couldn’t fathom a reason. Curiousity is fine. Making me ask what is Stereophonic?
The only displays I have show bit depth and rates only for Red Book & up or the DSD rate.
Pretty commonplace.
If that is what you are asking.
Being defensive and curious doesn’t illuminate your quest very much.
I apologize. I’m still recovering from some of the replies to an earlier post.
stereophonic is a classical hi-res streaming site.
Never heard of it and not on Google. All streaming sites are bit rate published. Available info. with a good OS.

As far as previous posts just try a little harder to ask answerable questions. Asking if something is "disrespectful" when that is impossible is not something we can address.

It’s on everyone else’s Google.

They stream classical music in 44.1/16 and 48/24 but they don’t tell you when they’re doing one or the other. But it is possible to tell. In fact, so far as I can tell it’s the only service that delivers exactly the SQ they promise.  I haven't tested Qubuz, yet.