Should a CDP be left on 24/7 or shut off & on?

I read once on Audio Critique that digital eqipment should be left constantly on. Over the weekend I had to disconnect my Rega Planet Original for for 24+ hours and, frankly, do not hear any difference from when it was constantly on. This obviously is difficult to A/B.
What do you do with your digital equipment: leave it on 24/7 or power it down when not in use?

I left my original Rega planet on for most of the time - and I did notice a small difference after listenting to it for an hour or two after turn on. A good idea with the original planet is to have a CD loaded (not running), since then you can turn the display off completely to avoid diplay burn out.

Enjoy the original planet - it still is a great CDP.

It may depend on what equipment you have.

I find that the Audio Aero Capitol II does need warm up time.
Isn't the Capitol always, if you don't shut it off from the back, on all the time. My AA Prima is. It is designed to always be on, and the display remains off. Keeps those little tubes toasty. I cannot imagine having any cdp long enough for the display to burn out from being left on.
If solid state, I'd leave it on all the time, unless I was listening to analog, in which case it should be turned off. Certainly doesn't hurt it. With tubes, I prefer to leave it on all the time as well (with the caveat about analog), though it does eventually wear out the glowing bottles. To my ears, digital equipment sounds its best when it's been on a few days at least.