Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”

I am interested in a high efficiency horn with SET AMPS, in a 12 ft by 18 ft room. 9 ft ceiling .
I have narrowed my choices down to Charney audio Excalibur http://charneyaudio.com/the-companion-excalibur.html
and rethm maarga v2
would appreciate input from any one who has heard the above speakers or someone who has a similar system . 
listening choices are vocal music , no classical music.
Very rarely might want my system to play loud party music .(extremely rare ) does not have to play it like solid state system. Thanks in advance 

I am planing on visiting Charney audio to audition them. Volti seems to be an interesting option as I am reading that it can play loud unlike the Charney’s. Those with experience can please correct me in that.
The only thing i can say about both systems is that loud party music is not what they are for they are small diameter limited bass systems with lowther style drivers you will need a larger full range horn system for loud party music and the other thing i can tell you is systems like this are highly prone to the voice coil of the driver staying in alignment just like a lowther which can cause damage if you do not work through the kinks of the driver.
for sure volti, or volti mods for klipsch heritage products.  border patrol set amps.
I have enjoyed Classic Audio Loudspeakers T-3.3 field coil horn speakers for better than 4 years now and they mate quite well with my Atma-sphere Novacron  amps. OTL's seem to have a special dynamic with these speakers. They are very special. I previously could not stand a horn speaker