Question for those with “Golden ears”, and a frustration! (The Loudness Wars)

Hello! My first text! My user name, is short for my Companies name.
  Anyway, I ALWAYS wondered, which sounds better to you with $$$$ equipment? The Led Zeppelin Rhino Black box of Japanese made, mini copies of the record album sleeves CD’s of ALL the albums? Or, the large sized four CD disk boxset with the crop circle picture on the front(1990 release?), and the later small box, that had the songs missing from the four box “crop circles” box? The mini-album Japanese CD’s sound pretty damn good to me!  Any thoughts? Which sounds better to you? Those with CD based systems I can only dream of owning?  As to my rant, I went to the Wiki article of: The Sound Wars! And there was a link where you can put in your CD or album title and artist, and it tells you if it’s been compressed(LOUD!), or, not. Specifically: CD’s, (if it’s compressed, the VU meters will stay locked in the red) My favorite Fleetwood Mac CD, The Dance, all in the RED, BAD! 😢 U2’s Joshua Tree (special boxed edt.) All in the GREEN (GOOD). But I swear, the drums/cymbals, IMO, sound awful on that CD! Especially the cymbals! NEVER could find a good sounding Joshua Tree CD that the drums and cymbals sounded good. 🙁 That was my FAVORITE concert!!! 4’th. row seats!! AWESOME! Other albums, NIN CD’s all in the red, Van Halen as well. And the worst, totally unlistenable, got it for Christmas many years ago, Led Zep., The Mothership CD’s. 🤮

Thank you all!!!
Picked up a few of scorpions CDs from Japan few years ago.
the shrill highs are so up front and in your face, I sold them and dug out my old Mercury and bmg releases of them on cd. 
 They are so bad, I think of the sound even now, I press my jaw together and hope it’s over soon.

anyone else get some of those scorpions releases on cd?

No Scorpions, but I have some Japanese CDs mostly Blu-spec that are exactly as you described. They’re in my never to be played again pile.
Me too Lowrider. I just wish that the U2’s Joshua Tree album, I’m not joking, sounded as good, cymbal crashes/drum wise, as the YouTube official video of “The Streets have no name”.  Don’t understand that at all. Could a German CD copy of the CD album sound better?? Do you like U2? Thanks!
And on a side note. Do any of you cherish a vintage audio piece of equipment?? I LOVE my SONY D-EJ1000 and D-EJ925 They both still work and look brand new, bought for $200.00 each, new in 1990? The BEST made Diskman’s SONY ever made. Both have optical line-outs. That’s pretty rare! And both are solid magnesium, the bodies are solid magnesium and aluminum, no plastic, except the blue background lit remotes. And so thin! I don’t listen to them very often, but they have a soft spot in my heart. Carefree HS days at the pool during summer, listening to: a lot of: Van Halen, Led Zep., Motley Crue, Pink Floyd, etc., on my Diskman.