Totem speakers and others that I should consider?

I've liked the Totem speakers for a while, they image very nicely, and while somewhat laid back, not too much so...

I'm looking to put together a new system (starting from scratch), and was thinking about the Totem line (Forests, at first). I listened to Totem at RMAF, and was very impressed with the new Element line, so that has me thinking of those instead. They are a bit more forward compared to the older speakers, but not terribly so, and I think they will not be fatiguing to listen to long-term. I'll have to do a bit more listening to be sure of that.

They image better, and the bass is very deep and controlled.

Anyway, I was thinking about the Totems Fire or Earth speakers (probably the Fire), and I was wondering what other speakers people feel will match up favorably to the Fire? They must be similarly priced, and ultimately similar in size or form-factor (I don't want large cabinets).

My exposure to speakers in the last decade is somewhat limited, but I have heard Sonus Faber, and while I find them very musical, I don't think they match up at the price point, but I don't think I've heard the most recent models.

Recommendations for other speakers I should audition in the $6000 dollar range are appreciated.

I have to reluctantly agree with Sleepless on the SEAS wore me out after 15 mins of music.

Owned Arros, thought I "upgraded" to Model 1 Sigs...felt like someone was shouting at me after a few songs. Couldn't take it anymore...went back to soft domes of Arros and still have them today.

Having said that, my friend owns Forests and they sound awesome and breathtaking in his house.
Hopefully my question will also be of use to the OP. Has anyone had the chance to compare Tekton Lores to Totem Forests? Can you characterize sound from the two?
+1 to sleepless, ive had the forests in the past and they are relatively bright speakers, listening fatigue was an issue for me as well, totem makes good speakers in general but the forest is overrated/overpriced imo
I bought a pair of Totem Element Fires a few months ago and have been very happy with them. I auditioned lots of monitors, eventually coming down to a extensive comparison between the B&W 805 diamonds and the Totems. Both are outstanding monitors, but I felt the highs were more realistic & less sharp, the midrange was smoother, low bass stronger and the dynamics more accurate with the Totems. I'm driving them with an NAD M3 integrated amp, the combo sounds great at all volume levels with a wide range of music.
SLEEPLESS nailed it.

I've personally had ARROS and FORESTS. In either case they need hi-current and high wattage amps to drive them fully: TOTEMS are all power hungry. From my experiences I had to bi-amp them to perform best.

THE POINT: No, I do not think that TOTEMS excel at low volume listening. Rather they excel when "let loose".
Translation: listening fatigue.

Because I listen to a lot of classical and female vocals, low level / comfort listening nirvana was also my Holy Grail.

Yup... I finally found my comfort level listening Holy Grail, but only after I capitulated, admitted this was not going to work to my satisfaction, and sold off the Totems, and sold the all the matched hardware; and replaced them all with REGA R9 speakers driven by REGA OSIRIS integrated amp / REGA ISIS valve cdp.

Other choices: check out the TANNOY line and be prepared to be amazed. I bought the Revolution DC-6s for my B system. be prepared to be pleasantly stunned by what you hear.