So the moral of the story is that we all should be listening to MC and ditch our under 92 DB efficient speakers? MC got me on”they should do as I recommended and avoid speakers under 92DB” how pompous of him.The moral of the story is you should read what I write and work on your reading comprehension. Like, "avoid" does not mean "get rid of". That is just a fact. You could look it up. In fact, I recommend you do. While you are at it, look up "pompous". Pretty sure it does not mean "helpful" which is what anyone who takes my advice and avoids low sensitivity speakers will agree, it certainly is helpful.
Another good one, look up some adjectives for one with poor reading and writing skills. The more of those you learn, the less of a problem with it you will have. That ain't pompous, just a fact. And you could use the help.