Technics SU-R1000 a new Class-D GaN Technology integrated

Maybe one to look out for.

There’s a new approx $10K integrated Class-D from Technics called the SU-R1000 Integrated Amplifier around 22 kg, 150w-8ohm and 300w-4ohms, would have been nice to see what it could do into 2ohms
Said to have many of the GaN Class-D features of the far bigger SE-R1. But nowhere yet can I find if it uses the 1.5mhZ switching frequency that "makes" the SE-R1 what it is.

Also it uses smp power supplies, even though it’s 22kg, Unlike the SE-R1 at some 60Kg because of it linear supplies.
No reviews or measurement tests as yet for this one from Technics

Cheers George
Wow, lots of comments on this also in Spanish, any possibility to get the video translated in English with something quick and easy??

Cheers George
I would also like to learn more about this integrated, hoping for more reviews, particularly with comparisons to other equipment.  

A lot makes sense regarding the technology, and for someone like me that streams only for audio, and wants a HT bypass this is another nice option.  Looks great also.

I am hoping Music Direct gets a few in as they list it.  Assuming their return policy would be good with this I would like to try it (with the intent of keeping it if I loved it).

I've always liked Class D for bass, but I do like a big soundstage and do not want a treble forward unit.
But nowhere yet can I find if it uses the 1.5mhZ switching frequency that "makes" the SE-R1 what it is.

Internationally famous Class D basher ignores DSP feed-forward circuitry in it’s entirety and posits his personal opinion as fact with zero data.