Ozzy and Millercarbon I installed using a slightly different approach. Since the idea of the Podium is to essentially suspend the speaker I avoided adjusting the what we will call the bottom feet to a minimum level. My approach was to make certain that the Podium was quite free moving from front to back and from side to side by adjusting the bottom feet up and away from the lowest setting. In other words, my bottom feet were probably 2 to 3+/- turns up from the minimum or lowest setting. Once I had done this on my kitchen counter I moved the speaker in question and placed the Podium exactly where I wanted it to be when the speaker was placed in final position. As Millercarbon points out, the weight distribution of many speakers leaves the speaker weigh-heavy toward the front of the speaker meaning that once it is on the Podium you will use the top adjustment knob to level from side to side and from front to back. It is my take on these devices that the more free moving the speaker, the better you have accomplished the desired goal. If the Podium is in contact with the floor/carpet you have partially defeated the purpose of this device to suspend the speaker.
As long as you stay away from leaving the Podium in contact with the floor/carpet when the speaker and Podium rocks in any direction I don't think you can go too far wrong.
As for getting a 140 lb speaker onto the Podium I would suggest a hearty breakfast and at least one weight-lifting friend. As you probably have already seen, the surface of the Podium has a pebble like surface and you will likely want to be careful so as not to scratch the bottom surface of your speaker. The speakers don't slide well on the Podium which is a good thing once the speaker is installed but a bad thing during installation so I placed a piece of fabric on the Podium and basically walked the speaker onto the Podium. That seemed to work relatively easily and without tooooo much frustration. Once on the Podium I adjusted the top adjustment knobs so as to slightly raise the elevation again with the thought in mind that I believe the objective is to leave the speaker as free moving as possible. Try rocking the speaker back and forth and from side to side -it you hear a clicking type sound I would recommend raising the elevation because I believe such sound is a sign that the speaker is not completely free moving.
Good luck and for one, I would be most interested in your evaluation of these devices once installed and you have had the chance to listen to your system.
As long as you stay away from leaving the Podium in contact with the floor/carpet when the speaker and Podium rocks in any direction I don't think you can go too far wrong.
As for getting a 140 lb speaker onto the Podium I would suggest a hearty breakfast and at least one weight-lifting friend. As you probably have already seen, the surface of the Podium has a pebble like surface and you will likely want to be careful so as not to scratch the bottom surface of your speaker. The speakers don't slide well on the Podium which is a good thing once the speaker is installed but a bad thing during installation so I placed a piece of fabric on the Podium and basically walked the speaker onto the Podium. That seemed to work relatively easily and without tooooo much frustration. Once on the Podium I adjusted the top adjustment knobs so as to slightly raise the elevation again with the thought in mind that I believe the objective is to leave the speaker as free moving as possible. Try rocking the speaker back and forth and from side to side -it you hear a clicking type sound I would recommend raising the elevation because I believe such sound is a sign that the speaker is not completely free moving.
Good luck and for one, I would be most interested in your evaluation of these devices once installed and you have had the chance to listen to your system.