Ethernet cables

Looking to upgrade my ethernet cables without breaking the bank.  Currently using WireWorld which are adequate but lack sparkle and weight.
Any suggestions?
You know how when you had analogue TV the picture used to get better or worse depending on your aerial, cables, interference, noise, etc? But your digital TV either has a perfect picture or no picture at all?

Same with audio over Ethernet compared to analogue. It’s the way Ethernet works. If there is audio at the other end at all, it is a perfect reconstruction of the signal. Any noise is not part of the signal and is ignored.
All Ethernet cables “sound” the same if they pass a signal at all.
“All Ethernet cables “sound” the same if they pass a signal at all.”

Beware, I sense a measurement freak among us 😂
oooh aaahh,😱😱😱

we might be in trouble again then: you know, bits are bits after all....
What? I can‘t hear you...
Ethernet is buffered with error control...
All digital cables are the same...
What am I missing?

Let‘s pursue the OP for asking a heretical question!🤓🤓🤓
@antigrunge I find it so amusing that the people that are least informed think they are the smartest people in the room. You might try looking up ’Dunning-Kruger Effect’

Here’s a commentary from someone that actually designs digital audio equipment on some factors that affect the sound of digital audio. tl;dr: Bits are bits, BUT there are types of interference outside just looking at the integrity of the digital signal data.

Bob Stuart, Meridian Audio
"Of course digital bits-are-bits and with due care, each of the three interfaces (USB, Toslink, coaxial) can deliver the same data at approximately the same time. But the audio we hear is analog and real-world devices are subject to a variety of interferences including data-induced jitter, other process-induced jitter, (and) common- and differential-mode electromagnetic noise. In the ideal world, the data are clocked in by and buffered in the DAC (asynchronous mode) and then de-jittered before conversion. In my experience this can never be perfect, just made closer and closer to irrelevance."

Want more? Here’s some commentary from Gordon Rankin (introduced the digital audio world to asynchronous USB transfer):

As for myself, my hearing works just fine. So, a +5 on the Supra Cat 8 cable from me as well. And yes, I listened to it extensively versus an AmazonBasics Cat 6 cable. And also got my 15 y.o. son who doesn’t give a hoot about cables to give me his thoughts as well. Maybe his opinion is a +6 for the Supra cable.