Phaelon, I seem to have a similar situation, relatively lower high end digital (Perp Tech p1a,p3a, monolithic ps, modwright signature, shunyata pc's, resolution audio, Mark Levinson No. 37, all going through BPT 3.5 sig) within the context of a much higher end system. I've gone beyond the paralysis and tried two much higher priced, and highly praised DAC's. The end result is I'm still using the original digital, very disappointed with these less than lateral moves. I am now surmising I may need to go to the highest end DAC's to get what I'm looking for, anything else is a lateral move at best. I would suggest you may want to go to a top ranked digital rig for satisfaction within your fine system. Wadia 861, Esoteric x 01 or 03, Accuphase, MBL are a few suggestions.