Anyone notice this with PrimaLuna EVO 400 remote??

Just wondered if any PrimaLuna EVO 400 preamp or integrated owners have noticed how imprecise the volume control is with the remote? The increase with the lightest touch of the button (if you hold it down, it will get away from you quick), is significantly louder (softer if you're lowering the volume) from the previous step thus making fine adjustment up or down impossible.  Is it just me or have others found that too? 

For some this may be no big deal because they may have dedicated listening rooms where they can set it and go, but unfortunately I get frequent interruptions in a non dedicated listening space and therefore quick and subtle volume adjustments are needed. But beyond that, I don't want to go from soft to LOUD with one push of a button. I want to hear those levels in between as well--without having to get up to walk up to the unit and change manually.  I know this will confound some here, but this lack of control is kind of deal breaker for me. YMMV.  
How much of the dial were you using in total? Too much gain could significantly reduce the adjustability in your preferred loudness neighborhood. I’ve been considering low gain tube preamps and the EVO300 was on my list. This sounds like an issue I’d like to avoid, but I figured I’d be safe with preamps under 12dB of gain. 
Alaska, I haven’t had the issue you described. Usually I give my PL remote  a light tap to move the volume up or down. I like the calibration and the tank like build and simplicity of design.
Thanks everyone for the replies and thoughts...

I was hardly using much of the dial at all, in fact, the only source I was using was my turntable with ortofon 2m black.  Phono preamp set at 45db of gain, and then dialed back to 42db of gain.  With that, it didn't take much of a clockwise turn at all to get loud. For example, the vol dial marker starts "off" at approximate "7 o'clock" and by "9" it was loud... and yes, the PL 400 preamp only has 10db of gain. 

I'm glad you are not experiencing this, but I did exactly as you said...just a very light tap to move the vol up/down.  However, it was not a smooth increase/decrease, it was a considerable jump/change in volume.  As I said, I could get it more precise by manually adjusting, but then that defeats the purpose of the remote--at least for me. And I totally agree... The build and beauty (to me) of this preamp is really excellent and I had wanted a PL for several years now. I really wanted to love this amp, and I tried.  The initial listening was impressive especially how it tightened up the bass, but in the end I couldn't get past the annoyance of the volume control for me.  So I'm not slamming PL at all, it just didn't work for me. 

Maybe it was just my modest system and the lack of synergy between components? My phono stage is the Gold Note PH-10 with external PSU-10 unit. TT is rega rp6 with upgraded delrin platter and groovemaster subplatter with the above mentioned ortofon.  Cables are balanced Morrow MA4. Power amp is a humble emotiva xpa-5 gen 2, also with balanced interconnects. 
Cabalaska: Why whould you need to turn off the SS amps to turn on Evo400 pre? Im considering this amp to drive my new Parasound JC1+ mono´s  but your statement makes me re-think the lot, maybe go for a Audio Research item instead. Thanks in advance
Alaska, I am guessing the remote is bad. Can you get the seller to replace it for you? It should not behave that way. My PL remote volume has never jumped like that and the volume should be a very gradual change. Let us know how this plays out.