The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound

I have changed my mind about this over the years. The absolute sound (closest to real live music) just can't be accomplished even though I have heard some spectacular systems that get close on some music. So years ago I changed my system to give me the sound I wanted. I'm much happier now and all my music collection can be enjoyed for what it is: Recorded music.  
I wonder why those who denigrate testing for biases seem to think the outcome of such tests will support the position of "measurementists"? Why is it everytime a simple psychological test on bias is reported in an article or paper or book some feel the need to tie themselves in knots trying to explain it away. We all have biases and they affect a lot of things we do or feel that have nothing to do with audio. Seems weird to me. 
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I wonder about the mental health of those that vomit paragraphs to avoid eliminating bias in testing when the result can only be beneficial.
I wonder about the mental health of those that vomit paragraphs to nullify any bias, founded and unfounded, on the same footing with the only goal to prove audiophiles are deluded people...
 Claiming that a blind test could PROVE that...

I wonder why those who denigrate testing for biases seem to think the outcome of such tests will support the position of "measurementists"?
You are right blind test can reveal something that contradict the "measure it" only bandwagon...

But it is not the main point...

Blind test erase biases for statistical useful reason... It is a tool...

Not a way to PROVE that all biases are only unfounded bias or only fads or super power pretense...

The "measure it only " bandwagon are blinded by their own bias they think is the only true reality and perspective....

They use the test out of his scientifical usefulness to PROVE something no blind test could prove ONLY by itself...

They are child or fool , philosophical clown... Epistemology is not for children but for mature mind...

  James Randi is not Einstein... It is a clown in music hall that debunk easy tricks....Randi do not do SCIENCE... He did the contrary of science which has nothing to do with a circus...
I wonder why anyone thinks because humans have biases they're somehow deluded?  I imagine if I heard a Stradivarius I would consider it superior then if heard it compared with other violins in a blind test but didn't pick the Stradivarius I wouldn't assume I'm  deluded or suffering from hallucinations. I'd shrug it off and laugh about how easily we're influenced by our biases.