We do not need absolute accuracy so we assume specific gravity of water of 1.0, so 300 mL = 300 g, and 0.025% LS54 = 75 mg. So your math to achieve 0.025%
I not sure how you plan on using the LS54. The high concentration you prepared 0.025% would be associated with manual cleaning or with a UCM as a pre-clean (para
XIV.9.4). But if you are going to use this as final-clean UCM w/o rinse, then the 2nd Ed of my document para XIV.10 shows an LS54 concentration of BASF™ DEHYPON® LS 54 at 0.0025 to 0.005%.
Otherwise, at the concentration you mixed (+250 ppm), you will get some foam (when agitated) which for manual cleaning is fine and good . As far as working with very small measurements, you can absolutely use weight, or as I address para XIV.7.e you can prepare a 1% solution of LS54 (10 mL/L) and then proportion from that.