Which to upgrade first: Turntable or Phono Preamp

Hi, I just recently got back into vinyl about 8 months ago after switching to digital 30+ years ago.  My current setup is as follows:
 - Pro-ject Classic Turntable
 - Hana ML cartridge
 - Vincent PHO 701 phono preamp

I'm very happy with the Hana, but am thinking about upgrading either the turntable or the phono stage.   Although I'm not entirely unhappy with the current setup.   Just going through some upgrade fever I guess.   The question I have is which one do you think I should upgrade first:  Turntable or the Phone stage?

I'm thinking about the Clearaudio Concept turntable and the PS Audio Stellar phono stage, but I'm open to suggestion.   I'm hoping to spend under 3k on either.

Anyway, the real question is whether anyone thinks which upgrade will give me more bang for the buck: Turntable or Phono stage?

Thanks very much in advance.
Thanks @avanti1960 .  There are quite a few recommendation of the Technics turntable.   I love the detachable head shell and speed control.   The first turntable I ever got in the late 70's was a Pioneer with similar design: direct drive, detachable head shell, and speed control.

I read that direct drive turntable tends to be noisy because of the motor directly driving the platter.   There are also reviews that shun detachable head shells.   How has your experience been in regards to motor noise on the Technics?   

Direct Drive TT can suffer from "cogging" where electric servo motor is applying force on-off-on etc. to spin platter but this was mainly a issue for cheaper model DD's and had been virtually eliminated in reference vintage DD's this is not a issue in current designs. Servo motors "hunting and pecking" for correct speed can and will introduce noise but this is up for debate as to what effect it has on overall sound. Any TT whether it is belt or thread driven, idler wheel, rim drive or DD has some kind of issue it is trying overcome to spin it's platter at a consistent 33.3 RPM, pick you poison.
I read that direct drive turntable tends to be noisy because of the motor directly driving the platter.

You’d better try to detect anything like that, why don’t you just find someone or some place to spin some records on top class DD turntable? I have 6 of them in my listening room and I have no idea what those people are talking about, because they are (direct drive TTs) absolutely quiet in my system. 

There are also reviews that shun detachable head shells.

Use both types of tonearms, if you think you can use one cartridge forever then you don’t need a headshell, but if you have many cartridges you need removable headshell. Believe me, a cartridge alone (or your phono stage) is what you have to think about, not additional connection via headshell or direct connection to a cartridge. The difference is so small, I bet you can’t detect it in a blind test.
I'm curious as to what direction you went.  Also, I'm wondering why there is no mention of speakers in this thread.
Opinions are like?......

If you can go audition turntables and phono stages rather then listening to the opinions of armchair critics.

You came to the right place for opinions and the wrong place for validation.