Audio Companies with Integrity??

Interaction with Audiophile companies and AudiogoN members have been (for most part) positive through the years. There have been a few, however, that have gone 'above and beyond' to ensure that the customer was satisfied. To that end, I would like to give a 'shout out' to Audioquest that recently made a situation right when they really didn't have to. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say, that when the need arises I will not hesitate to buy from them again and will recommend their products and service to anyone who values my opinion.

For discussion purposes, would anyone care to raise a glass to a company that in your opinion deserves some love.
Ayre acoustics, the best customer care I have experienced in the past few decades.
Gary  Mulder when he was in Ayre set a standard that’s impossible to beat . Shout out to ayre . Gary now with Yg acoustics, I will be buying their products one day just cause I know gary is there and customer care will be the best.
Joe Parvey at house of stereo , Jacksonville and ceo of wolf audio is a great resource and always there for his products.
John Mcgurk with vandenhul audio is phenomenal.
kef USA were great when I owned kef ... I had problems and customer service was top notch .
Dealers - Crescendo Fine Audio - Denver - simply unheard of customer service.

Paragon Sight and Sound.  Stands behind their products - works hard to keep business.

Companies - Jeff Rowland Audio Group - service and products second to NONE.

Audio Research - Great Preamps - pretty good support.

PS Audio - Good Products - Spectacular Support.
John McDonald and the entire crew at Audience-AV. 
In memoriam, the folks at Total Contact. Tim, may he Rest In Peace and his wife, a true angel. 
PS Audio - Good Products - Spectacular Support

I agree wholeheartedly about PS Audio. I also feel the same way about Jolida/Black Ice (USA). Mike & Jarred are a phone call away. Balance Audio Technology’s (BAT) Victor is also accommodating via email/phone.