Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
I have Wilson Sasha 1.  They are excellent; accurate, natural, coherent from top to bottom. Positioning and powerful amp needed.  I prefer Wilson’s to Sonus Faber , Vivid Audio , B & W , DeVore, Van der Steen , Kef , Monitor Audio , MBL , Focal , and Harbeth.  The above have their strengths but i prefer Wilson’s. 
Have listened to Wilsons, including most recently the Chronosonic model and never found the magic. With the $680k model I felt like I was hearing 5 different speakers at once. Is that coherence? This dealer powers them with MSB Mono blocks at $160k/pair in a large theatre room. 
On the other hand many reviewers own Wilsons and logic dictates they hear pretty well and have even more choices. Does Wilson offer 1/2 price deals to reviewers or something? 

A friend of mine who is a musician and retailer sells both Wilson and Sonus Faber. He owns Sonus Faber Amatis.

Everybody hears differently.  My ears are old, worn and limited
so I have no idea what the 10k-20K sound is about.

If you can't wait 3 months for a product you may not be very sold
on it. 

Good luck my friend!

where do you live approximately? I have a pair of Wilson Maxx speakers converted to Maxx 2’d and I still have the original tweeters for the Maxx.
The Wilson Maxx speakers blow the Sophia and Watt Puppy 8’s away. A completely different league.
there were a pair of Maxx 2 in California for sale asking price 13 grand. I thought about them, then realized I live in a 1200 square ft hi rise in Las Vegas and cannot accommodate speakers of that size. I'm looking for sophia or watt puppy sized speakers that pack a punch. I do not like laid back sound. I want a lively bright loudspeaker.