Hoping for a recommendation for stereo amp around $1500 or less ($2k max)

Powering ascend acoustics towers with RAAL ribbons and running a powered rhythmik 12" sub which is currently integrated with my onkyo tx8270 2.1 receiver crossed at 50hz.  I want to use my topping D90/A90 dac/amp stack and use it as a dac/preamp using the remote to control the volume on the dac while leaving the volume knob in place.  Will most likely run balanced out to the amp.  I need to have some way of integrating the sub with the main speakers so the amp would need to have rca full signal out so I can use the dial on the sub to adjust crossover.  If there's a better way to integrate the sub I'm open to it.  I want an amp with hopefully 200w or more and neutral clear but fun/powerful sound like my A90 does for my headphones.  I'm totally new to the world of separates and looking to let my speakers show their maximum potential.  So far I've come across outlaw audio mono blocks but they don't have rca out to go to the sub.  Also came across parasound classic which looked pretty nice but you guys probably know of something much better.  Thank you!
I wouldn’t worry about buying used, especially if you’re buying from a respectful manufacture. You can buy new and in a short time the amp you just purchased is worth 50% or less. Nothing wrong with buying new but you’ll get a lot more amp and probably have a lot more options with used. Also might have a difficult time finding a new $1500 to $2K amp that is balanced. I have not heard the new Adcom’s, but maybe check out the GFA 565se.

Used, I would look at a Parasound A21+ if you want something not too old. If you can go older there are a lot more options and likely even better and probably going to hold their resale values for many more years to come.

Can’t speak on running your Topping direct, but if it’s anything like my RME you will be fine. My RME sounds outstanding running direct.

Ascend Acoustics, that's a name that tends to fly under the radar.  I had the Sierra 2 and Ascend tends to have a very neutral house sound, and the ribbon tweeters they use are excellent with superior vertical dispersion.  

I had them with the Halo Parasound A21, and the warm sound of the Halo wasn't ideal, or at least, not to my taste.  The Ascend towers are 4 ohm, 89 sensitivity.  

I liked the approach of Ascend.  Internet Direct, a guy that is passionate about speakers, and does things his own way.  That sounds a lot like Schiit Audio, another ID company headed up by a couple of  electronics engineers that are passionate about audio and love what they do.

I'd suggest their Vidar amplifier.  200 watts per channel at 4 ohms and just sound really great.  I've got one, and am very happy with it.  Oh yeah, a 5 year warranty, and they come in your choice of silver or black.   Made in the USA.  You're going to love the price, you'll have enough money left over to buy their top of the line Freya+ preamp.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.  I have a lot to think about.  Has anyone tried VTV amps before? They have one for amp $999 with purifi modules and it's supposed to be super clean and strong at 4ohm.
I am not going to hide the fact that this suggestion is blatantly self-serving, but I would actually make the same recommendation regardless. I am currently selling a pair of PS Audio M700 Monoblock amps here on Audiogon. They are high-end amps disguised in a modestly priced package, and I'm only selling them because I'm downsizing. If I didn't need to get rid of my separates, I would keep them, for sure. There are other M700 owners that can attest to their high value. Anyway, good luck!