Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.

Why?  Because acoustical treatments presented are in virtually empty rooms. Unrealistic.

my rooms have furniture and clutter.  These rooms don’t really have a need for treatment.  It’s snake oil, voodoo science.  
So why is accoustical panels gonna help?  No one can answer this, most have no clue.

Of course room treatments don't matter.  Neither does the room size or shape, nor the surface materials, nor the type, size and placement of furniture, nor where you sit nor even which direction your speakers are facing.

IF you're listening on headphones....
Even if one gets pleasure of bashing others, it is worth it. Not to you or me, but to the person getting that pleasure.
glupson i accepted your advice about moderation... Because it is wise advice...and i accept all wise advices...

For the rest if i can accept a friendly advice about moderation, i cannot permit you to judge me accusing me of bipolar disorder or psychosis... This is insulting... Am i insulting you?

i respected you, why not also respecting me?

My pleasure HERE is communicating friendly with those who partake passion for the sound improvement....

For my critical faculty it is not necessary to say anything....

I am not accusing you of anything. Even less of psychosis. Never said it, never meant it. And even then, it could not be accusation. Short of taking some hallucinogenic drugs, people do not get psychotic by intent. Why you found yourself in my general observation is not known to me.

As you, as everyone else, frequently strays from strictly audio-related topic I responded to that Carlo quote which hardly has anything to do with betterment of any sound anywhere. I also stand behind my worry that too much creativity may be a sign of other issues. Art history is full of very creative people who did not do well in the long run.

I am not accusing you of anything. Even less of psychosis. Never said it, never meant it. And even then, it could not be accusation. Short of taking some hallucinogenic drugs, people do not get psychotic by intent. Why you found yourself in my general observation is not known to me.

As you, as everyone else, frequently strays from strictly audio-related topic I responded to that Carlo quote which hardly has anything to do with betterment of any sound anywhere.
If you dont means any harm it is Ok with me...

But discussing with someone who bash others and treat me with the saying that i am an idiot from the beginning , i only answered by a quote from a book you dont know, in a discussion you did not participate to for the last week, then refrain yourself to comment the author of the book out of the context of this discussion...

It is free to read this book on the net anyway and the general meaning is in 5 lines on wiki by the way....

I only answered and discussed with arguments, but when to my arguments someone reply by authority affirmation and attack me and others i answer accordingly....

It was or would have been simple for you to read the context of this discussion in ONLY the few last posts to UNDERSTAND that i spoke about audio related matter : a japanese scientific article first about the acoustic concept of "depth imaging", and second a new device i created after reading this article which make me able to refine greatly depth imaging in my system...These 2 contents were my unreplied answers to audio2design who dare not to give any argument but authoritative rejection and call all audiophiles, me included idiots...

Instead of answering to this article and the possibility and usefulness and modalities of this new device of mine, audio2design then bashed my posts with no arguments, save blind test claim ...

Then who discuss audio related matter with a content here ? Me...

Who do resolve to pure authority and bashing without giving ANY arguments to the article and to my claim about my new device? Audio2design...

You are a grown man you know that speaking like you just did, "insinuating" psychosis and borderline personality trouble is NOT AUDIO RELATED....but insulting, even if you did it not "openly", especially if you are a stranger or a newcomer in this precise discussion between me and someone else ...

Have you read the japanese article yourself? are you interested by my new device? I dont think so.... If i am wrong if you are interested, i am here to discuss audio related matters...

Am i clear?

I respected you, never insinuated anything about you if you revise ALL my post here TO YOU for months, respect me accordingly , in audio related matters and in friendly term...

I will do the same...

I am direct and frank and an open mind easy to read, and i always spoke my mind.... Sorry for this clarification post but i dont like to be manipulated....Things are better said between grown men....Life is too short to hate.... I prefer to be creative at risk of being like you said "borderline"....Or worst....
Miller Carbon’s words are an excellent explanation of why cables can sound so different even if we can’t identify exactly why.
“But you might want to keep in mind that just because we cannot explain why something works, does not mean it does not in fact work. Happens all the time. Can you explain how your car works? Yet it does.”